Friday, February 27, 2015

The Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge are REAL!

Official T-Mobile Image of the Galaxy S6 Edge

This past recent week things have been fired up about Samsung's newest soon to flagship phones.  Lately carriers have been teasing us all with a similar from above which T-Mobile had uploaded to their site in the past week.  Also, there were similar images posted to At&t and Sprint's official sites as well. The most recent leaks have showed up were showing the S6 and S6 Edge on display for a pre register poster by Samsung. 

Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge 

From this image, it is hard to tell rather the S6 Edge will have edge screens on both sides. But the CNET Korea site clearly showed the S6 Edge with 2!

Image Provided by CNET/Kora 

The S6 Edge will possibly be the one that majority of the consumers might be willing to know more information on, as it seems to look very interesting.  The screen sizes are similar with 5.1 or 5,2 inch screen display and with AMOLED and QuadHD.  They also might only come with a 2600 mah batterty which is not what we really want.  Possibly a non removable battery and no SD card slot. Which I wouldn't be to upset about especially if they are releasing a model with 128GB of internal memory with 3GB of RAM on board. Also new is that there is suppose to be customization with the TouchWiz! Yay! Customize touchwiz how you want. Similar to like those Theme Launcher Apps you can download on the Google PlayStore.  

For what it seems as of  right now, both of these phones might seem promising.  Lets just keep our fingers crossed for the best and that Samsung gains momentum in the industry again.  So from what you all know and like and heard about the newest and latest of the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge phones? Are you even considering to purchase one yet? Leave all comments below. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Where Does Your Data Go?

It seems that data is everywhere these days.  Data on the left, data on the right.  Data right in front of you, and data is behind you.  We really at times can't keep up with where is all of our data going to and coming from.  So next, we are going to be covering some tips and tricks on where to look for your data and how to keep track of your data.  Your data is usually being sucked up through your applications on your mobile devices and your sites you visit on your browsers.  There are also applications that you can download in app stores as well to help you view and monitor your data.  Lets take a look and read some of these things.

There are many ways of how to check and track your data for your mobile devices.  Lets take a look at some of the steps and directions.

When using some android devices, the fastest way to check your data usage is through going to your settings, then looking for your data usage tab or your mobile data network tab. You will select these options and then you will see which apps and programs and even broswers are using up data and that are not using your data.

When wanting to know what sites are using up the most data on your browsers on your mobile devices and PCs, using chrome for instancesv, you select your internet settings in browser, then selectt data usage, and then you will find your most recent sites viewed and how much data is being used up to view that particular site.   Your data browser information and settings also gives you the option for you to delete or clear your data usage out of browsers.

The apps. Yes, there are apps as well to keep up with your usage and to track where all of your data is going as well.  But most cell phone carriers usually includes this partiular app on their services and plans and you can even check from your online accounts as well for your phone services and plans. Even with your Internet modems and mobile hotspots as well. You would hope to think that your carriers will send text alerts or notify you via text or email alerts.  But, just in they don't or maybe some consumers aren't knowing about this such thing, one app I would recommend for anyone to install onto their Android mobile devices, rather its a smartphone or tablet, is the Onavo Count app.  This application allows you to setup the amount of data which get each month from carrier and set up your start and end date of when your data is up.  Then it asks you how much you have used up so far to keep the app running accurately.  Make the app a homescreen widget on your device so you will know exatly how much data you have used and how much you have left.  It will also show apps and browsers and other programs as well that are using up your data.  It even gives you tips on how to save your data. You may download this app now for free. Check it out on the Google Play Store.

So, there you have it.  These are just some ways you can check your data usage on your mobile devices through your applications and browsers also.  If you feel your apps are taking up or using too much data, you can clear the data from the apps in the settings menu.  This also goes for the same thing in your browser settings.  Screenshots will be shown as well. How To video coming soon... Please leave a comment on your thoughts and any other information you would like to share related to this article below.

This image shows a glimpse of the data usage on a Samsung Android Device.

Image above shows the widgets for Onavo Count application monitoring your data usage and shows if you are using data or Wi-Fi.

This image is in Chrome Beta App, You head to the chrome browser, click settings, then click or select site settings. Then select Storage Tab to track your data coming from sites you browsed.

In the image above, shows your site storage.  This indicates how much you have used browsing on a website. Yes, that does say 4KB. 

7 Tips On Keeping Your Privacy Safe Online

Internet privacy and security is very weak but it is the most talked about online and offline and on social media and tv these days. Weak passwords and easy to remember usernames are credited to all this. Plus companies that are not up to par with security threats and breaches that can suck your life up just by these hackers knowing your whole name social security numbers. Let alone your local address in which you live or stay. With all of that ia going on, should you the people trust anyone with your records anymore? I mean just look around you. Nowadays anyone could be a hacker now. Meaning bad hackers, the ones that want to make your life a living hell! While there are good hackers out here that give you great tips and tricks on how to make internet and your personal more simpler than ever. For the internet and mobile devices, I have just a few simple solutions for you all to take into serious consideration.

How to protect yourself online and offline

Make strong passwords. These passwords need to be at least 8 words or digits long. Try not to include symbols. Mainly letters and numbers. These passwords should not start off with abc, or 123, or password. Make sure they have nothing to deal with you.

Remember your usernames and passwords. Try not to save your passwords and usernames on your browsers or even computers unless they are pin protected and password protected. Or just create a password journal or diary and have a lock.

Turn off save passwords mode. In any browsing setting you will always find that save passwords mode is usually checked. Just turn it off and make sure you have saved and updated your settings so that your password wont ever reappear unless you input it into computer or program.

Turn off Autofill. You can also unmark this option in the internet browsing settings. Make sure your browsers forget all your information.

Turn on Do Not Track. In order for these ads not know what you interested in and websites visited, turn on Do Not Track option.

Disconnect from Internet. This could be the most important thing. Disconnect from your data, wifi and router. No one knows whats going on in your browser if you are completely offline and not connected. This also goes for bluetooth connectivity and as well as GPS signals also if on Tablets and Smartphones too.

Clear History. Your browsers usually remember what website you visit last. So you might want to check your history and delete all history.

New Internet Private Mode. You can also keep your information safe from cyber attackers and hackers and even family and friends by using the Browser Private Mode. This mode won't save any of your data or inputs.  Once you have exit the browser, all of your data and inputs will go away and won't reappear until you do so.


My bonus tip and trick. This can help you on battery life as well too for any device. If you are not using that particular device at any time, turn off the device all the way. Make sure your device is shutdown and Not in Sleep Mode.
Thanks for reading. If you would like me to add some more, please leave your comments below.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

You Can Use your Android Devices as a 2nd Screen for PC or Mac

Hello everyone, im here again to save you some time, effort,  amd money! You can do so many things with your android device like turn it into a game console, movie player and even a mp3 player. If you have an old one laying around the house or even your daily driver. You can even use your android device as a 2nd screen for your PC and Mac. There are plenty of applicstions out there that can mirror your PC screen. But not many can make your device into an optional display. So below in the video link, i demostrate one application that makes it possible. Check out my video below. If i was helpful, feel free to hit the like button and share with your family and friends.  Thanks!

How To Make your Tablet 2nd display for Mac or PC:

You Can Use a Smartphone as a mini PC

Check out the video below to find out how to make your Smartphone a actual PC.

make your Smartphone a PC!: