Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sony has unlocked phones for sale as low as $149

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sony announcing New Smartwatch update

Tuesday Sony is suppose to be announcing a new smart watch at the Asia mobile expo. This watch can be used with android devices. Last model you had to have it always connected on Bluetooth to  your smartphone. The time on the watch would not stay set unless you were connected. You were still able to watch and monitor calls, texts, and social network up dates and status. So that part of the watch should stay the same. Hopefully Sony allows this new smartwatch to keep time without Bluetooth connectivity. So how many consumers would want a smart wrist? In other words a smart watch? Well from reports 1/3 would. But what about you?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Rockmelt update

Google Drive update available

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

LG flexible screen coming soon

LG announced that they are brining out OLED flexible screens as early as the end of 2013. This is already in production right now. What do you all think about the flexible screens?

Rockmelt Now on Android

This is a one stop place for everything. From the web to the news, rockmelt has it all for you. It is simple to use and its easy to use. It is getting mad reviews and notice. Now you can for yourself. Available now on the Google's PlayStore. For smargphones and tablets.

Dolphin browser and app update V10

Although there is chrome and fire fox out there for top 3rd party browers, Dolphins isn't out the woods yet. Version 10 is now out for mobile and desktop. There are some great new items and it even has new UI look as well. You also can check out apps from the home screen. If you have this app, make sure to check the updates. If you don't have the Dolphin browser, go give it a test drive and check it out for yourself. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Blogger update for Android

Blogger app for android is now updated. There were some bug fixes and new layout. Also the app is compatiable to tablets. Other than that, there wasn't really that of a major update. But check out blogger app for android now.

Monday, June 10, 2013

NOOK HD $129 and NOOK HD+ $149 NOW

Hi once again. This exciting news is for consumers who are looking to buy a cheap low budget tablet. You can purchase the Nook HD 7 inch tablet just for ONLY $129.99 and also the NOOK HD+ 9inch tablet only for $149.99. This price is for everywhere that sell the Nook tablets.  Nook is not just a eReader anymore, its also has Google Play now with its latest software update and upgrade.  The best of both worlds here now for the lowest price ever!  Check out the images below and video.

NOOK tablets now have Google PLAY!

Hello everyone, I know this might be a little late.  But for all those who dont know the new updates on the Nook tablets, Google has partnered with Nook to bring the Google Play Store to the Nook tablets.  Now Nook HD and HD+ now have Google Apps.  There are over 700,000 apps to choose from on the Play Store.  Check out these videos below.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Asus Transformer Book Trio

This week Asus revealed a all in one tablet. It's a tablet, laptop, and a desktop all in one package. It also will have have android and window 8 as it's operating systems. Attach the keyboard to the tablet and it becomes a laptop. Detach keyboard and connect to your HD TV and it's a desktop. With this device, you won't go wrong. More info coming soon. Leave comments below.

Gmail mobile gets a makeover

Google gmail has a makeover. For all platforms. Each messages is categorized. For your social networks and all. So what's your opinion in the new look for gmail?

Google keyboard available on Playstore for Android

Google just made the keyboard even better for the smartphone and tablet. For the devices that don't have the stock keyboard as the main, it is now available in the play store. Others might have already received the update automatically in the phone or tablet. Google just became cooler.